Tuesday, January 5, 2010

79 is the 2009 Number


I am gearing up for my 2009 Retrospective look at books, but it is a time consuming task and I have not committed the block of time necessary to complete it as of yet. I think it shall be forthcoming on Thursday.

However, my friends, I did complete 79 books in 2009, which is well about my yearly average of 55 books. I know that I can thank Crit for this, having had to read 2-3 books a week was a great way to end my year reading. Speaking of that delightful class, I did earn myself an A-, of which I am incredibly proud. All of my hard work did not go to waste.

I started reading MT Anderson's "Feed" upon Lauren's request, and it is quite good so far. It shall be my read of choice for today. I am also in the process of reading "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" (which is not really holding my attentions) and "Magician's Elephant" by Kate DiCamillo--which incidentally has such delightful prose that reading it is pure joy.

Well now, for now, I am out. You shall get the run down very shortly!


  1. love love love Feed. it was the first YA book i recommended to my not-really-a-reader boyfriend, he love love loved it too.

    now, he randomly says "boy, i wish i could have a feed"

    i'm not sure he got Mr. Anderson's point.
